Aaaaaaaaaaaand we're alive. ...sorta. X-mas is a pain, and we have to get ready for it. Poor Shel is pulling her hair out. (There's been four new additions to the family in the last 5 months!) Too many relatives to buy for and too little money. T.T No worries, we will prevail. Or loose our heads spectacularly. -Del
Hello all! This is Demonic Sister Shel, talking for the first time in awhile. No, Del did not lock me up in a closet somewhere. ...though she may have threatened it for the past 3 days
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Our dogs are evil. Apparently Del agrees, judging by the cursing coming from her room. *blushes* Um, sis, I don't think that's humanely possible. It really can't be that bad, can it
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Hey, Demonic Sister Del reporting for *yawn* duty. So tired. I'll be hitting the sack soon, so I though I'd just let everyone know that me and Shel probably won't be on a lot through out the week. We'll both be busy with work. Shel might type something every once in awhile. So, yeah. Adios punks. -Del
Yo, this is Del. My sis did her thing early this morning, so it's my turn. Don't really give a crap about what's going on right now. Ah well
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